Accreditation project – 2022-1-HR01-KA151-YOU-000063824
This project consisted of three mobility activities – Training Course and two Youth Exchanges.
Web pages of activities:

Aim of international Training Course “New Tools&Skills” was to review and enhance competencies in working as trainers in non-formal settings with objectives:
- explore basic training competencies
- develop a better understanding if group dynamics
- develop communication and digital presentation skills
- practice and build on existing skills.
Main objective of the project was to improve the quality of youth work by developing and supporting international organizations which are active in the youth field. It also aimed to promote intercultural dialogue and the rights of young people in Europe.
One of results of the project was handbook New Tools&Skills created by the participants. Book was printed in 300 copies and sent to partners and European youth organizations as a tool for future use. Book is also available in digital format for download and free use:
Through two youth exchanges we wanted to empower young people through art and give them tools for future life. Also as today many young people are eager to take control of their lives and start contributing to the development of their communities. They often experience various transitions in their personal and professional life, such as moving into their own home, starting a family, or working. We want to help them become effective and active citizens by equipping them with the necessary resources.
This activities aimed to empower young people by giving them artistic tools s that will help them become more involved in their local community.
Youth Exchange “Circus Theatre for Inclusion” was an exciting opportunity for 36 participants to come together and explore their creativity through circus and theatre arts. The program was designed to promote inclusion and diversity, providing a safe and supportive environment where participants could learn from each other’s unique experiences and perspectives. Over the course of the exchange, participants engaged in a variety of workshops and activities led by experienced instructors. These included circus skills training, such as juggling, acrobatics, and aerial arts, as well as theatre and performance techniques like improvisation, character development, and storytelling. In addition to honing their artistic skills, participants had the opportunity to build relationships with their peers and learn about different cultures and ways of life. Through shared experiences and activities, they developed a greater understanding of the value of diversity and the importance of inclusion in our communities. Objectives of this activity were:
- Use circus and theatre as tools of expression, freedom, creativity and union
- Create direct contact with locale communities through inclusive actions
- Encourage and support solidarity, social inclusion and human rights through performing arts
- promote European values and intercultural learning through ERASMUS+ program
To do this participants together with young people with special needs from NGO Ludbreško sunce
( ) created and played theatre show with themes of social inclusion, solidarity and human rights in Ludbreg theatre. More than 200 local citizens attended the play.
Through third activity “ARTivism fest” together with partners we wanted to make people aware of the importance of taking responsibility for their environment through art. Through the whole project, the young participants were able to learn about the various factors that affect the environment and how they can minimize their harmful behavior. They were also able to participate in activities
that promote eco-friendly behavior in their local communities. Youth exchange ARTivism Fest was not just about creating art; it’s about making a tangible impact in our communities. During the exchange young participants worked on collaborative street art projects. Objectives of the activity were:
- to promote ecological behavior and green practices through art
- inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities with street art
- improving competences of young people through artistic expression
- promotion of ERASMUS+ program through local artistic activities
This activity fully promoted ecological behavior with participants so accommodation for participants was in local ecologically sustainable camp with and more than 90% of participants used green travel as transport. Result of the project were murals made by participants and local artists in Ludbreg, Legrad and Hrastovsko.