TC Startup Mosaic

Start-Up Mosaic supports the inclusion and the employability of young people with fewer opportunities (including NEETs) by training directly 24 youth
workers that will share their know how and best practices through local workshops or in their daily activities.
TC will improve the key competences and skills of youth workers, strengthening the links between youth fields, labor market and startup ecosystem .
“To bring Europe back to growth and higher levels of employment, Europe needs more entrepreneurs” (Entrepreneurship 2020 Action Plan). This align to Erasmus+ priority: to fight high levels of unemployment among young people. The European NGOs can become partners to guide youngsters to develop the skills and competences to access the labour market. The youth workers plays a critical role in preparing and empowering “The Missing Entrepreneurs” (youngsters rural areas, women, and migrants) to embrace the entrepreneurship path. The youth NGOs acknowledge that young people who participate in their activities develop also entrepreneurial competences, but very few of them has an explicit objective to deliver those competences since is not the primary focus of youth work. Moreover, the European youth workers have mostly social and not business background and they still have the responsibility to bring young people into employment and to provide a safe environment for them to test ideas.
Specific objectives:
O1:To develop the entrepreneurial competences of youth workers competences and their entrepreneurship know-how through: A 8 day TC for 24 youth workers, 1 toolkit with NFE methods about entrepreneurship, 24 analysis of youth startups
O2: To raise awareness regarding the importance of entrepreneurship education and funding opportunities among youth workers through: 1 study case about the startup ecosystem from 8 countries in 8 languages, 8 awareness workshops for European youth workers (60 participants) and 8 local workshops for young people with fewer opportunities (120 participants)
O3: To inform 60 NGOs about social entrepreneurship concept as the next level in their organisational development, how to develop new programs that can financially sustain their organisation, how to think creatively, act independently from government and their donors through 1 collaborative working community (using facebook network) and dedicated articles.
The target group is formed by youth workers active in European Youth organisations, developing projects and long-term programmes to guide people who are unemployed and at risk of social exclusion (young people, young women, young people with disabilities and migrants) and with “the missing entrepreneurs”. The youth workers are seeking for new perspectives on entrepreneurship education, to develop their entrepreneurial skills and to expand their methodologies in guiding the
young people to launch their and gain entrepreneurial competences through non-formal and informal learning.
The main activity is a 8 day training course to be organized in Ludbreg, Croatia between October 24th and 30th 2019 for 24 youth workers from 8 European organizations from Croatia, Romania, Portugal, Lithuania, Serbia, Hungary, Germany and United Kingdom. Participants will be mostly youth workers active in their organisations, with no age limit.
8 NGOs focus on developing the competences of their youth workers and the capacity to deliver high-quality entrepreneurial learning to socially disadvantaged young people. They’ve designed the project “Startup Mosaic”, to improve, by the end of 2019, the entrepreneurial competences of 24 European Youth workers through 1 training course based on non-formal education methods and to share with 300 youth workers through 1 collaborative community know-how about creativity, startup
ecosystem and best practices in youth entrepreneurship across Europe.
Info Pack: