YE Why not StreetArt?

Youth Exchange “Why not StreetArt?” has broght together 24 young people 18-26 years old accompanying by youth leaders from 4 programme countries (Croatia, Bulgaria, Poland and Romania), with 16 of them with fewer opportunities. The activity of the project took place in Ludbreg, Croatia and lasted for 8 days, from 21nd – 28th April 2019, including travel days. The main theme of this youth exchange was social inclusion of youth with fewer opportunities through Street Art. The project focused on the theme of artistic expression as a form of education and activation of youth, reflecting the interests and needs of its participants. The objectives of the project were: to promote active citizenship and to foster young people’s sense of European citizenship; to help young people to understand their role as a part of the present and future of Europe; to promote sustainable cities; to promote tolerance between people from different countries; to create a place for multicultural learning and understanding; to learn how to transfer their thoughts and feelings through art and how to use art to connect communities and excluded young people. The whole project focused on social inclusion of youth at risk of social exclusion through the community activities and development of creativity and self confidence. Active participation in project have widen participants horizons and empowered them to be more inclusive. The result of the exchange was sensory park and permanent artistic piece in the center of the city, created by its participants. Local community interested in this event helped participants and final art product on the local public walls is visible for years to come. All the methods used during youth exchange were based on the non-formal education principles: group work and discussions, simulations and role plays, intercultural nights, intercultural workshops, team building and trust building activities, energizers, ice-breakers, reflection groups, creative art workshops, excursions etc. During the project participants met with Croatian artists Dijana Črepinko, Gabrijel Brletić – Magmatikka and academy artist , visited Graffiti Ranch Legrad, University North, Restauration Center of North Croatia and Street art in Koprivnica. There they saw methods of expresing them self through art and exhange experiences. Lest day of activity Youthpass certificate has been given to participants. The applicant organization Ludbreska udruga mladih entuzijasta (LUMEN) is a hosting partner in the project. |

Day 1
Day 2
Day 3
Day 4
Day 5
Day 6
Day 7
Media coverage:
Info pack:
Learning Journal:
EU Dissemination Platform: