ERASMUS+ Accreditation in Youth field 2021-2027

- YE empowerArt
– Activity was focused on voices and visibility of young people. As main result participants will paint outer walls of Lumen’s youth and volunteering center.
Ludbreg, Croatia
6 partners, 36 participants
11. – 17.10.2021
(10th and 18th are arrival and departure days) - YE Green Message
– During this activity participants will learn how to design and print their own t-shirts with ecological materials. During activity they will design logos and symbols which will transfer their ecological messages to t-shirts and cloths. Main results will be t-shirts which will be also printed by participants using silk print method.
Ludbreg, Croatia
6 partners, 36 participants
26.4.-2.5.2022 - YE EcoIT
– Because today is to much electronical waste, during this project participants will find new life for old computers and electronical devices. As result of project they will make manual and video for other organisation on how to upcyle old electronics.
Ludbreg, Croatia
6 partners, 36 participants
15.-21.6.2022 - TC New tools&skills
8 partners, 24 participants
Ludbreg, Croatia
15.-23. 9 2022 - YE
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