About Us

LUMEN is youth non-governmental organization established in spring of 2000 with the aim to improve the quality of life of young people in Ludbreg town and northwest region of Croatia and to bring their social inclusion and activism to a higher level. Our main objectives to develop cultural, democratic, social and ecological conscience among youth, to encourage cooperation of young people with different interests and activities and to increase influence of young people on work of local community. We continued with our goals from past years as we managed to help young people from Ludbreg and Croatia to see different parts of Europe and world, to volunteer and learn through different programs. By this we want to empower youth, giving them tools and skills for future life and raise their sense of European identity. Our main principles are connected with environmental sustainability, responsibility, inclusion, diversity and active participation.

Our main target group are young people, especially ones with fewer opportunities. As Ludbreg is rural area, without a lot of content for youth, most of them feel disadvantaged comparing to their peers in bigger cities. We also aim to work with local youth workers from formal and non-formal education areas and try to include them in our activities. In last years we started cooperation with members of NGO Ludbreško Sunce which is working with children and youth with special needs. Through our activities besides our standard members and volunteers we try to include disadvantaged and marginalized youth. In international activities we are including youth and youth workers from Europe and around the world. Our secondary target group is our and partners local communities on which we influence with our projects, artistic and volunteer work.  More than half of our members and participants are ones with fewer opportunities. Some of them are from rural areas, geographically isolated villages around Ludbreg and surrounding hills. This is also connected to economic and educational difficulties which is often leading to social exclusion.

Through our activities we raised identity of Lumen over our local borders and as a lot of youth from whole Croatia participated in our festival or activities more than half of participants on our projects and partnerships are outside Ludbreg area. We started with youth and projects in Ludbreg and surrounding area but as we started to be active in international activities our volunteers had left trace all around the world, from Colombia to Georgia. LUMEN has also connected with local NGOs so it’s not uncommon that we have activities in nearby cities like Varaždin, Koprivnica, Legrad, Novi Marof or Varaždinske Toplice.  Through more than 70 partnerships in ERASMUS+ program our young members and youth workers participated in activities in more than 40 countries. In 2012 LUMENs volunteers participated in International festival of volunteers in Tunisia, helping and rebuilding surrounding area of city of Monastir. In 2019 our members participated in MasterPeace project and street art festival in Medellin, Colombia.

To achieve all that, we organize cultural, ecological, educational and other events, we promote humanitarian work through many actions and cooperation with other organizations, we inform young people about important topics, encourage their inclusion in discussion and solving various problems in our community and we cooperate with other similar associations in our country and wider. We aim to educate young people in mentioned areas in order to give them opportunity to spread everything they have learned. Together with young people we create project applications through different funds.



Ludbreška udruga mladih entuzijasta je nestranačka, nevladina i neprofitna udruga mladih.

    U svrhu promicanje prava mladih Udruga se zalaže za promicanje prikladnoga institucionalnoga oblika rada mladih sa mladima čiji je glavni cilj intenziviranje suradnje između učenika osnovnih i srednjih škola, studenata visokoškolskih ustanova, nevladinih udruga i općenito mladih ljudi sa jedne strane i tijela gradske uprave i samouprave, te države i državne uprave sa druge strane,  kako bi se ostvario željeni cilj; uključivanje mladih u poslove zajednice i povećavanje njihova utjecaja u procesu donošenja odluke.
U svrhu ostvarivanja svojih ciljeva Udruga obavlja sljedeće djelatnosti:

• organizacija i izvođenje koncerata, kazališnih predstava i drugih umjetničkih događanja,
• promidžba i razvitak informatike i računarstva,
• organiziranje akcija zaštite i očuvanja prirode te poboljšanja kvalitete okoliša,
• organizacija tribina, okruglih stolova, savjetovanja i slično,
• izdavanje tiskovina i ostalih vrsta medija sukladno djelatnosti koje obavlja, u skladu sa zakonom,
a također osim hrvatskog Ustava, hrvatskih zakona i nacionalnih strategija vezanih za mlade, udruga se za prava mladih zalaže na temelju, idejama i principima niza međunarodnih dokumenata koji se odnose na prava djece i mladih te mogućnostima njihova sudjelovanja u demokratskim procesima.

Međunarodni dokumenti na kojima se temelji rad i promicanje prava mladih su:
1. UN-ova Konvencija o pravima djeteta
2. Europska povelja o sudjelovanju mladih u životu općina i regija